
NIEUW: Watchout 5

Vandaag is op InfoComm in Orlando VS de nieuwste versie van Dataton Watchout gepresenteerd. Hieronder een overzicht van de nieuwe features. Meer info? Neem contact op.

3D Effects
Position and rotate all media objects in 3D space. With 3D motion paths, images and video can move freely through space, at your command.

Take the new 3D capabilities all the way to the screen with stereoscopic projection and production workflow, including 3D video playback.

Enhanced Live Interaction
You can now use inputs in WATCHOUT to control virtually all parameters, enabling you to create fully interactive presentations.

Dynamic Image Server
This new WATCHOUT server application provides continuously updated content, streamed into your presentation. A single server can provide multiple images at the same time, accessible from any number of WATCHOUT displays. It acts as a bridge between your WATCHOUT display system and various data sources, rendering live data on the fly.

Multiple Displays per Computer
As computers and graphics hardware become increasingly powerful, WATCHOUT pace, letting you to tap the full potential of your hardware investment.